Diatonic Scales

Here are the patterns for the diatonic fingerboard. Within these patterns is every possible diatonic (major, minor, and modal) fingering. Once the basic single-position patterns are learned, practice shifting from one to another from various points in the scale.

Open position:
If the first note is taken as the tonic, this is a: Phrygian Scale

First postion:
If the first note is taken as the tonic, this is a: Lydian Scale

Third Position:
If the first note is taken as the tonic, this is a: Mixolydian Scale

Fifth Position:
If the first note is taken as the tonic, this is a: Aeolian (Natural Minor) Scale

Seventh Position:
If the first note is taken as the tonic, this is a: Locrian Scale

Eighth Position:
If the first note is taken as the tonic, this is a: Ionian (Major) Scale

Tenth Position:
If the first note is taken as the tonic, this is a: Dorian Scale

Twelfth Position: (Same basic pattern as open position, but no open strings)
If the first note is taken as the tonic, this is a: Phrygian Scale

 (diagram starts at twelfth fret)

The wide stretch patterns: |-1--|----|-2--|----|-4--|
can also be fingered:      |-1--|----|-3--|----|-4--|
(whichever is more comfortable)

Say the names of the notes as you play the scales.
Sing them too.
Write them out in music notation.
Play patterns in thirds, fourths, etc.

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